웨어러블융합전자연구소 초청 세미나_12/28(수) 오전11시
관리자 │ 2022-12-26 HIT 113 |
* 세미나 제목 : Cation-exchange strategy in Ni-rich layered cathode materials for Li-ion batteries Abstract High-nickel content (>90 %) layered ternary metal oxide cathodes often have been recognized as state-of-the-art for rechargeable secondary lithium-ion (Li+) batteries while satisfying the energy density requirements in smart grids and heavy electrical vehicle appliances. However, they still pursue their structural irreversibility issues and rapid electrochemical performance failure at a high-voltage platform. The complete underlying structural degradation mechanisms are not fully understood and are still inadequate. Herein, we put forward a novel cation-exchange strategy in hierarchical Ni-rich layered materials to modulate the large-size primary particles into nano-size and further aim to prevent the rapid capacity fade viabilities. The prepared cation-exchanged samples further revealed with rich cobalt gradient in the smaller primary particles and substantially enhanced cyclability test as compared to the pristine LiNiO2 and directly cobalt-mixed LiNiO2 electrodes. The possible rock-salt phases in between the Ni2+ and Li+ were precluded by the cation-exchanged electrode in the long-term cycling. In-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis was also analyzed to manifest the Li+ diffusion coefficient and kinetic behaviors in the cathode materials. The obtained electrochemical results from the feasible novel cation-exchange strategy could provide a new possibility to develop Li+ batteries on a large scale. * 일시 : 2022년 12월 28일(수) 오전 11시 * 연사 : Khaja Hussain Shaik 박사 (한양대학교 나노센서 연구) * 장소 : 경희대 국제캠퍼스 전자정보대학 5층 509호 세미나실 * 코로나관련 세미나 참석시 마스크 착용 의무화를 실시하오니 많은 협조 부탁드립니다. |
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