
웨어러블융합전자연구소 초청 세미나_1/27(금) 16시30분

관리자 │ 2023-01-18


* 세미나 제목   :  Study of light-matter interactions with excitons in optical cavities

  Nanophotonic materials and devices are stimulating an intense activity in the area of photonics due to their unique ability of tailoring the physical properties based on light-matter interactions. In particular, controlling the optical emission, transmission, and absorption properties of materials with engineered structures has been of great importance for understanding the underlying physics and designing new optoelectronic devices. In this talk, we will discuss the light matter interactions in artificially designed nanophotonic devices which can tune the optical properties of semiconducting materials. By properly designing the devices, we can control the degree of coupling strength between the light and matter, providing a way to realize ultrafast light emitters, very low-threshold lasers, and coherent phases of matter depending on the coupling strength.  

 * 일시 :  2023년 01월 27일(금) 16시 30분

 * 연사 :  조창희 교수 (대구경북과학기술원 화학물리학과)

 * 장소 :  경희대 국제캠퍼스 전자정보대학  2층  211-2호 세미나실

* 코로나관련  세미나 참석시 마스크 착용 의무화를 실시하오니 많은 협조 부탁드립니다.

이전글 웨어러블융합전자연구소 초청 세미나_1/13(금) 16시30분
다음글 제22회 웨어러블융합전자연구소 전임연구인력 연구교류 워...